Bro:. Anthony "Pino" Burgos

Ancient Free Moorish Rite

Sayyied Mason



Born in Brooklyn but, raised in Da Bronx.

Left H.S. in the 11th grade with a G.E.D.

Puerto Rican Male but, I love all equaly, including those that wish to cause harm.

Deacon Minister, Licensed Life Coach, Licensed Clinical Chaplain, and active student of the Christian Leaders Institute. Student since 2019.

Active Member of the Ancient Free Moorish Rite. A Masonic Fraternity with a nautical instruction. How are your waters today?

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I was born in Brooklyn N.Y. in 1965, and since then I've had an awesome adventure in life thus far! Growing up I always sought more than what I've had but, never acted like it. In school I was the cool kid that on the down low would ask the teacher for more homework because I was bored. School was really good for the most part. In 1980 I enlisted in the Universal Zulu Nation. My sophomore year until the day I left I had my own Zulu Nation chapter within the school. An extension to the Chapter 16. We would hold meetings in the lunch room secretly. During my 10th grade I completely cut. I went the first day collected my materials and completed all the assignment the books had to show my parents that I was doing homework. At the end of the year I went back; turned in every assignment, and took the exams and went on to the 11th grade. That year I couldn't take it anymore and felt like I wasn't learning anything new so I requested that I be given the G.E.D. examination. I took the exam and passed with a 227 without studying.

*FUN FACT:* The number 227 has appeared in my life a total of three times in my life.

My Education, Masonic status, and life experience thus far.

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  • G.E.D. in 1986
  • 1990-1991 Training at Delaware Valley Job Corps.
  • 2020 Capella University: Psychology, Human Behavior (Major), Web Design (Minor)
  • 1980 Universal Zulu Nation Ch. 16 Throggs Neck.
  • 1990 Member of the 5% Nation of Islam
  • (Ramel God Allah)
  • 2010-2012 Auxiliary Police Officer
  • 2019 Christian Leaders Institute
  • 2023 Ancient Free Moorish Rite of Freemasonry (Asiatic)

For some time now I was looking for a Brotherhood type organization that provided both education of self; along with education of where the Fraternity began. I finally found that in the Ancient Free Moorish Rite Fraternity of Freemasonry. True brotherhood! Instructors to everyone!

*FUN FACT:* Mainstream Masonry usually do not recognize other Masonic organizations. Some are considered "clandestine".

Symbols I Live By:

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COMPASS- a device that indicates direction. It is one of the most important instruments for navigation.

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SAILS- that uses wind power to propel sailing craft, including sailing ships, sailboats, windsurfers, ice boats..

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THE HELM- is a lever or wheel controlling the rudder of a ship for steering; broadly : the entire apparatus for steering a ship.

During my time searching for the A.F.M.R. I was able to learn so much about Freemasonry. At first I had been told that in order to be a mason one had to work in the craft. Well, needless to say being a stonecutter was far from my cup of joe. I was into the mind (Psychology) and Web designing. Then one day I ran into a freemason and once he set the record straight about recruitment I knew my course was set. I began my research and found my fraternal home. The brethren are some of the greatest men I've had the pleasure of Building with.

Symbols that help me guide my Vessel (Self Home Lodge/My Thoughts and Actions.) in the right direction. Along with the latitude and longitude that will assist in guiding my vessel to my home dock area in the event of an incoming storm and my waters become unsettled.

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ANCHOR- a heavy object attached to a rope or chain and used to moor a vessel to the sea bottom

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OARS- long poles with a broad blades at one end used for propelling or steering boats

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Coordinates for NYC- my way home is located at latitude 40.71'28"N and longitude -74.00'06"W.

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KNOTS- a fastening made by tying a piece of string, rope, or something similar.

The knot is a unit of speed equal to one nautical mile per hour, exactly 1.852 km/h

Once I have began my life as a Ancient Free Moorish Rite Freemason; it has been the best journey I could have ever taken in my life. I pray to the Great Navigator that he makes it a "LONG & STUDIOUS" journey. If you or someone you know is interested in taking this journey along side me and many other individuals like ourselves.

We meet every Sunday at 5pm est. via Zoom. Hit me up and I'll send you the link and come build with us as we sail the 7 seas 1 sea at a time.

So Mote It Be

Bro:. Anthony Pino Zulu

Longitude & Latitude

40.71'28"N and -74.00'06"W.




Let's set sails and sail together in Brotherhood! OR

Special Inserted Page Dedicated to Our Avatar

Dr. Clifford E. Hazel Bey (1933-2013)

There are a few gentlemen that I wished I had the pleasure of meeting and sitting down with to break bread. Top 3:

1.) The Great Navigator of the Universe.

2.) Sensei Bruce Lee

3.) Dr. Clifford E. Hazel Bey

I chose these three due to the fact that they all shine the light of knowledge in their own unique way.

1.) The Great Navigator for his light of Wisdom of the World and how to cope.

2.) Sensei Bruce Lee for his light of Strength and Martial Law to teach me patience in dealing with others.

3.) Dr Clifford E. Hazel Bey for his light in Moorish Rite Freemasonry, For without his goal to revive this beautiful fraternity it would not have been done. And for that so many Asiatic's all the way up to Supreme Grand Commanders thank you. You are truly an inspiration to us all.

The Sea Stars of the O.M.S.

Say hello to the Sisters of the O. M. S.

The Sisterhood component of the A.F.M.R., and an excellent Rite for the Queens of today to come together in sisterhood. Just like the A.F.M.R., the O.M.S. is open to all creeds and cultures. Their motto is “The Beautiful One has Come” which to the amazing sister of the O.M.S. state that it is inspired by an ancient expression signifying time-honored nobility.

Sounds amazingly interesting doesn't it?

If you are interested in joining the Sisters of the O.M.S. visit their webpage at: